Saturday, March 30th • 6PM

Sunday, March 31st • 915AM & 11AM


Download The Rock App for rehearsal files


Let us know  you'd like to be a part of the Easter Choir.  Take a look at the Rehearsal Schedule below.


Scroll down to check out the Dates, Times, & Details.


How do I practice the songs?

Download The Rock App.  Files will be available soon

What do I wear on Easter?

We are not matching or color coordinating this year.  Wear whatever you'd like.  

Where Can I store my things during Services?

We will have a green room upstairs stocked with snacks and drinks.  You'll have a comfortable place to rest and you can leave your things there during service. There will be a lot of us and space will be an issue.  We will keep the green room limited to choir, band, & media volunteers.  We'd love to open it up to your whole family, but there will not be enough room for all of us.

Where should we park on Easter?

We may ask volunteers to park at Smith Tire & Auto next door or in the very back area of our parking lot.  We will let you know something soon.

Where will I stand?

We will do a riser map and determine how we will set up.  Let us know if you have a preference to be on the floor or first step.

Where are the Rehearsals?

Rehearsals always start with a Team Huddle in the Theater Room. 

Do I need to print my lyrics?

Nope!  Just show up. You can use the app on your phone if you'd like, or we will have printed lyrics available for anyone that needs them.  

What is the WIFI Password?

Connect to Rock Family and use the password RockFamily.  Feel free to ask your team leader for assistance if you need help connecting.

What about my kids?

Kids church and nursery will be available for all 3 services.  Check-in for our team's kids will open up a little bit earlier.  Saturday we can check in our kids at 5:30pm and Sunday we can check them in at 10:30am.  If you are serving in both Sunday services your children do not need to check out and back in for the next service.  They can remain in kids church for the entire morning.  We would love to be able to pre-register your child for you.  We can print their stickers and get everything taken care of before you show up at the church for rehearsal.  Just give us your kids names and we will take care of it.

Can I leave after worship?

Of course.  You don't have to sit in all 3 services.  :-). 

Choir Invite

The more the merrier!  Personally invite your friends/family to join you in the Easter choir.  Send them this graphic with the rehearsal schedule and sign-up information.

Let's worship together.

Fill out the form below to be a part of the Easter Choir.

March 30th & 31st • Must be 16 or older