Family meeting gives you the opportunity to learn more about our church in a small group setting over the course of four weeks.
You will receive information about our structure, identity, history, what we believe, and who we are as a church. We spend time learning about you and help identify a place for you to be involved and build community. Our hope is that when the meeting is over you will have a better idea of who we are as a church family, who you are as an individual, and where you can be the most effective for the Kingdom of God here at The Rock.
At the end of the course you will have the opportunity to become an official member. The goal of Family Meeting is to give you as much information about the church as possible and help you get plugged in here. We want you to feel informed and connected, but will not put any pressure on you for membership.
To be a part of an upcoming Family Meeting all you need to do is sign up below. | Do you have Questions?
You will receive information about our structure, identity, history, what we believe, and who we are as a church. We spend time learning about you and help identify a place for you to be involved and build community. Our hope is that when the meeting is over you will have a better idea of who we are as a church family, who you are as an individual, and where you can be the most effective for the Kingdom of God here at The Rock.
At the end of the course you will have the opportunity to become an official member. The goal of Family Meeting is to give you as much information about the church as possible and help you get plugged in here. We want you to feel informed and connected, but will not put any pressure on you for membership.
To be a part of an upcoming Family Meeting all you need to do is sign up below. | Do you have Questions?